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Housing Element
All of the information provided here recounts the past housing plan efforts by the City related to the Measure T ballot commonly referred to as At Home in Encinitas. Please visit Housing Plan Update 2018 for current efforts and progress.
The 2013-2021 Housing Element document provides residents, property owners, developers and public officials with a better understanding of the housing needs of the community, and it establishes the City’s strategy to preserve and enhance the community’s character, and expands and preserves housing opportunities. As noted in HCD's second review letter (October 2015 letter of compliance), the 2013-2021 Housing Element complies with State Housing Element law. The following draft document incorporates all of the changes requested by the State, the public, the Planning Commission and City Council. After it is ratified by the voters in the 2016 General Election, the City will transmit the Final 2013-2021 Housing Element to HCD to receive a final determination of compliance. To review the proposed changes from the 1992 version, please refer to June 15, 2016 City Council Agenda Report; or refer to the Change Review Document, which annotates strikeout/underline changes.
Housing Element Update 2013-2021 (June 2016)
- Appendix A: Public participation, outreach and activities
- Revised Appendix B: Housing Plan (technical socio-economic and housing characteristics)
- Attachment A - Sites Inventory: Preserved communities and rezone program (parcel list and map of rezoned sites)
- Attachments B & C: Capacity yield assumption in the DCM-1 Zone and developer interviews
- Appendix C: Neighborhood prototypes
- Appendix D: Brochure
- Appendix E: Regional examples of redevelopment
Previous Work on the Element (Background Information)
The following portion of this page will explain the process involved in preparing the updated document. The following links and DRAFT document references have been superseded with the above, but have been provided as a courtesy to track what has changed over the course of the planning process and to highlight any draft document changes. This allows anyone to view the first draft submittal (dated May 2015), formal HCD comments, and staff's response to those comments in the second formal submittal (September 9, 2015; and September 30, 2015).
Summary: The City transmitted the first draft Housing Element (dated May 2015) to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for their review. In July of 2015, the City received the results of their review (HCD's first review letter). Several changes were requested. The Planning and Building Department finished incorporating those changes into an updated draft and resubmitted in September 2015. One thing worth noting is that HCD found that the City did not justify a reduced density requirement to accommodate lower income households (25 units per acre density rather than 30 units per acre). Therefore the updated draft Housing Element relies on the State default density as part of the rezoning program.
SUPERSEDED September 30, 2015 Draft Housing Element (3rd draft version)
The City submitted the second draft version of the 2013-2021 Housing Element document to HCD in early September. After consultation with HCD in late September, several minor technical changes were requested from their staff. Since the changes were necessary to receive a finding of substantial compliance, staff went ahead and made the requested changes. An overview of these minor changes have been recorded in a memorandum to track the changes that have occurred. Additional changes were made prior to the second submittal as noted in the transmittal letter.
This revised draft version is the document that received a finding of substantial compliance from the State. It would be later revised based on Planning Commission input at the May 26th Public Hearing. It has been superseded with the above.
Revised Draft Housing Element (3rd Draft Version)
- Appendix A: Public participation, outreach and activities
- Revised Appendix B: Housing Plan (3rd Draft Version)
- Attachment A
- Sites Inventory preserved communities
- Revised Mapping Strategies: RM, BYO, and MMUP (3rd Draft Versions)
- Attachments B & C: Capacity yield assumption in the DCM-1 Zone and developer interviews
- Attachment A
- Appendix C: Neighborhood prototypes
- Appendix D: Brochure
- Appendix E: Regional examples of redevelopment
SUPERSEDED September 9, 2015 Draft Housing Element (2nd draft version)
This is the second version of the draft document. This second draft version makes changes based on HCD's first response letter, which requested several changes.
HCD transmittal cover letter and draft document changes overview
Housing Element: Goals, Policies and Implementation Programs (2nd Draft Version)
- Appendix A: Public participation, outreach and activities
- Appendix B: Table of Contents and Housing Plan (superseded)
- Attachment A - Sites Inventory preserved communities, RM Map Inventory, BYO Map Inventory, and MMUP Map Inventory (September 2015)
- Attachments B & C: Capacity yield assumption in the DCM-1 Zone and developer interviews
- Appendix C: Neighborhood prototypes
- Appendix D: Brochure
- Appendix E: Regional examples of redevelopment
SUPERSEDED May 2015 Draft Housing Element (1st draft version)
This is the first version of the draft document. In March 2010, the Council gave direction to staff to submit the first version of the draft Housing Plan concept maps and programs to the State for review of compliance with State law. This officially began process for updating the policy document.
First Draft Housing Element: Goals, Policies and Implementation Programs (1st Draft Version)
- Appendix A: Public participation, outreach and activities
- Appendix B: Housing Plan(1st draft/superseded)
- Attachment A: Sites Inventory for different land use strategies (1st drafts - ALL superseded)
- Ready-Made Land Use Strategy Alternative, or
- Build-Your-Own Land Use Strategy Alternative, or
- MMUP Land Use Strategy Alternative, and
- Inventory in preserved communities (Part 1 and Part 2 - based on existing zoning with no changes)
- Attachments B & C: Capacity yield assumption in the DCM-1 Zone and developer interviews
- Attachment A: Sites Inventory for different land use strategies (1st drafts - ALL superseded)
- Appendix C: Neighborhood prototypes